Stronger Together, Serving Christ, for the sake of All.
Pastor Jonathan Black
Christian life is a life lived in response to Jesus’ call “Follow me.” In incredible love, Jesus gave his life for us and now shares his life with us. Jesus calls us to be his disciples. He invites us to learn from him and grow like him as we follow him and allow his life to become our life. We live by grace – by God’s free gift of love, forgiveness and new life - and not by our own wisdom, efforts or goodness. In gratitude for all God’s love and blessings, we seek to respond to God with all our heart and all our being.
In our life together at First Lutheran Church we seek to live and grow as followers, disciples of Jesus.
Our Statement of Purpose is: Because God loves the world, we live and work together to:
*Grow as disciples
*Nurture other disciples, and
*Make new disciples For the Kingdom of God!
We invite you to join with us as we worship our Lord, seek to learn and grow in Christ and reach out with the Good News of God’s love and life in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jonathan Black